Fun with the Robinson Family

Fun with the Robinson Family

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Although it was So different with Nut gone to New Zealand during Christmas, we still tried to stick with our regular routine. Micah was up bright and early, of course and was READY to open presents. I got some pictures real quick before breakfast and showers.

Micah LOVED all of his gifts, but was most excited here to get Legos, a coin sorter :) and binoculars. 

Apparently I didn't take very many pictures of Patton, but he was here too and was most excited about his trains and a big garbage truck from Micah. 

Stacy did a get job shopping this year, other than waiting until the last minute. He got me some clothes, shoes, camera cards, gift cards, vinyl..... the list goes on. 

I got him an xbox360. I think he was happy.

Both of the boys were So excited for their HUGE candy canes that I bought for them at Biltmore.

After playing with our new things for a little bit, we headed to Daph's house to celebrate with the rest of the fam. I think we surprised some people this year by not buying everyone clothes this year. Christian LOVES his headphones. 

Aiden is styling in her new earrings. 

Ethan was excited about his Dr. Who screwdriver.

Belle was sick :(

Terren was most happy about her new socks!!

Patton couldn't wait to try out his new potty :)

MIcah and Rowan both got king costumes.

Mama gave most everyone rain boots this year. We got a kick out of it, but she thought it would be helpful for those people to help her tear down beaver dams. Cary, Stacy and I were exempt, but even P will be helping! LOL

We had a fun fun Christmas day spending time with our family and after a restful afternoon and visiting with Stacy's parents we ended our night with Chinese.


  1. So fun!! That's awesome that Micah got a coin sorter!!! I can see that being right up his alley!

  2. LOL!!! We are all so stylish in our new boots!!
