Fun with the Robinson Family

Fun with the Robinson Family

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Field Day

When I worked at The Fort, Field Day was one of my most favorite days of the year. So I was super excited when I learned about Micah's. I put it on my calendar as soon as I had a date. The problem was, the Wednesday before field day, I got that awful, miserable, want to stay in bed and not move stomach bug. I was SO stinking sick. I hoped and prayed that I would be well enough to be able to go to the school and survive. I actually felt ok on Friday, so Patton and I planned to go. We had a great time. The weather was absolutely perfect! For some strange reason this year, Micah's school didn't sale field day t-shirts. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a t-shirt fanatic. I was sad.  I was told that Micah needed to wear a red shirt that was ok to be signed. I took it upon myself to make him a field day shirt. The first attempt was pretty pitiful, but the final one turned out more decent. 

The field day was fun, but way different than I am used to. The teachers stayed with their class during every station and pretty much ran the field day while the PE teacher roamed around. When I worked, the teachers sat under tents and drank coke while the PE teacher (and I) along with parent volunteers ran everything. The other difference was there were no winners at all. No ribbons. Nothing. Everything was just for fun. I think that it was a little sad. Even though Micah may have only gotten a ribbon or 2 all day long, I am a lover of competition! Micah loved the 100 yard dash.

And I loved his expressions on these!

Patton thought he was part of Micah's class and followed everything they did. When Ms. Greene whistled, he lined up too. He loved playing on the big playground. He had a Blast!

I could not stop laughing when Patton asked to pay my phone during the limbo. He found a place and sat down. You should have seen the children swam toward him to see the phone! 

Here's the whole gang!

And Micah with his buddy Ethan. And Ms. Duke :)

Patton (and I) made it all the way to t-shirt signing with no problems. We had a fun day.

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