I was excited to be able to work out the Party Jumps schedule so that we could go to G Day this year. I still have a hard time thinking about paying full price for the boys to go to a real football game. This year we got a little bit later of a start than planned. This year we invited Aiden and she was happy to go. Our first stop was to see Russell and friends tailgating. Micah and Patton were both super excited to eat sweet treats.
I wanted real bad to introduce Aiden to one of my favorite places, The UGA bookstore. I Love that place! Although it was extra crowded and hard to move around, both Aiden and I found new shirts :)
We had Chick-fil-a as fast as we could before heading to the stadium. There was a huge turn out, partly because of the beautiful weather. It was very sunny and Patton's eyes don't like the sun at all. He just broke his sunglasses last week, so he spent most of the game hiding his eyes.
Micah was just Micah like. He moved from seat to seat, from person to person, from rail to rail. Thankfully our section was small and not too crowded.
We stayed at the game until the 3rd quarter. Micah wanted to see the fountain really bad, so we decided to take a walk down town.
We went into a couple of shops and stopped by a festival to get some balloons before heading to the truck. By this time, Patton was slap worn out.
And as soon as we got to the truck, he was out like a light. What a fun day. We are so glad that Aiden could join us.
Aww!!! I LOVE the picture of me and P!!! I had so much fun!